《双喜天使-龙》 Double Happiness Angel - Dragon
创作灵感 Inspiration
2024甲辰龙年逢双岁 稀奇天使添双喜 红红火火贺岁 岁岁年年平安
“天使”是西方文化中传递祝福的重要使者, “双喜”则被视作中国传统文化里独具特色的喜庆符号。 稀奇的双喜天使,带着东、西方的祝福, 好事成双,囍临门!
Angels and Good Fortune
In the year of the Dragon, XIQI Angels bring double Happiness. With a red and fiery glow, they wish you a happy new year and peace for years to come.
Angels are important messengers of blessings in Western culture, while double happiness is a unique and auspicious symbol in Chinese traditional culture. XIQI's double happiness angels bring blessings from both East and West, bringing good things in pairs and bringing happiness to your home.
作品信息 Details
瞿广慈(Qu Guangci)
限量发行199件(Limited edition of 199)
L11.5×W36×H22.9 cm
1.5 kg